Discover More Ultimate Man Podcast

How To Set Goals With Ryan Phillips

goal setting

Ever set goals and not achieved them?

A lot of people do…

In this episode I invited Ryan Phillips on the show to talk about how he sets goals and makes sure he puts the framework in place to attain them.

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Paul: Hey guys! Paul here and welcome back to the Ultimate Man Podcast. Now in today’s episode, episode 2, I’ve got Ryan Phillips on the show and we’re going to be discussing Goal Setting, and most importantly the steps that you need to take to achieve any goal that you might want to set. Now Ryan’s a really interesting guy, he has achieved a lot in such a short space of time. He is the nine times national champion at martial arts and also the three times world champion he runs multiple successful onine businesses, he’s pretty awesome at break dancing as well, and you can learn so much from Ryan. It’s a pleasure to have him on the show and we’re going to walk through what he goes through to set his goals and also how we achieve them goals and hopefully you’re gonna learn a lot from this Podcast. So we’re gonna head straight into it. Here is my interview with Ryan Phillips.

Paul: Okay, so Welcome Ryan to the Ultimate Man Podcast, I’m very excited to have you on here today, I mean, I’ve known you I think for about six months to a year and we both work within the digital product industry and you’re actually quite an interesting guy, just, just quickly Ryan, can you introduce yourself and tell people what you do.

Ryan: Yeah, sure! Well, first of all thanks for inviting me on and I hope I can provide some value for the people that are listening, uhm what I do is I have an information publishing company that sells digital products across a variety of different niche markets on the internet from how to make money online, to diet and weight loss, to muscle building, lots of different niches but I also dance, I’m a b-boy or break dancer and more commonly used to — I’ve been doing breaking for the past 12 years and I’m a martial artist as well, I’ve been doing Martial arts for the past 20 — I started when I was 8 and–

Paul: Okay.

Ryan: I’m 29, 29 now so yeah 29 years

Paul: I’ve seen a few videos actually where you’re break dancing and you remind of me, of me when I’m out after a couple of drinks (laughs)

Ryan: (laughs)

Paul: But no, I mean, how did you get into that, cause I mean that’s–

Ryan: Well, it was just like, it’s quite funny really because I started martial arts when I was 8, and it’s just because my bestfriend at Primary school did martial arts, and you know, when you have a bestfriend, when you really have only one you do everything that they do, I’m aways interested in ninjas and I would jump around flip about and watch all the ninja movies and I saw it, I saw in martial arts, then kinda went though the ranks I achieved the rank of black belt and then went on to do — you know, just to keep it short, a second and third degree and started competing, I started teaching full time and kind of, after I start uhm competing, It got to a stage where in the Uk there was just no one. It would be a challenge to compete against ‘coz I would always win and I’m just not saying that because I’m awesome and I beat everybody it’s just that there’s a lot of people that’re kind of higher skilled level than me but they’re tired from competition or you know, they wouldn’t compete anymore so it just got naturally got to the stage that it wasn’t challenging anymore and I was always interested in break– break dancing, in breaking —

Paul: Yeah

Ryan: — and I was at college at that time, when, when I left school, I went to college, I got a job at McDonald’s and uhm I went to college this is when I was 16 and I remember I finished the work that I was doing uhm and I saw, I was watching break dance videos on Youtube and the lecturer came and said “Oh I teach one of them in my classes that does that” so I immediatley thought right, I’ve gotta find this guy and literally as soon as the class ended, I went on a mission to find this guy, it was on our lunch break and I kind of met him, introduced my self uhm you know and organized to stay around his house. The next day which is on a Wednesday and I went to the next city ‘cuz that’s where he went to practice breaking with a crew over there and, and I saw them breaking and I fell in love with that, like dance is one of my passions and then started competing and doing that and then all of that stuff and I actually led to one of the reasons why I started my online business because I wanted to do something that would give me the freedom, the time freedom and the space freedom to do what I enjoyed and to follow my passion which is dance and travel and, and at that time you know, I wasn’t, I wasn’t getting enough from the job that I had and that’s what kind of (sped?) me to start an online business (laughs). That’s how I get into martial arts, got into dance, got into, you know, business and internet marketing and everything online and that’s how I got started.

Paul: So yeah, I mean obviously today we’re gonna talk about goals and achieving them goals, I mean you’ve achieved a lot at quite a young age as well. Did you say that you used to work at McDonald’s is that correct?

Ryan: I used to work at McDonald’s, I finished — I finished school, I finished highschool, I went to (De Ferrer’s?) highschool and I left highschool when I was at 16, I just got average grades, I got all C’s and one D in French (laughs) and uhm and yeah I started working at McDonald’s because that’s where all my friends worked and we had a great time actually and everyone says (?) work is crap but I loved it, we just–

Paul: Yeah, I looked back at my, I used to work in the supermarket when I was 16–

Ryan: Yeah

Paul: When you look back at that, and it was good fun, you’re not earning a lot of money but back then I had more money then coz you’re not really spending on anything when you’re 16 or 17, you’re only spending it on you know, food, and going out and whatever but yeah they work at times and then did you go from McDonald’s to start your own business? So (crosstalk)

Ryan: No, actually, I stopped working at McDonald’s when I was 18 and that’s when I finished my course at college and what I did in college had nothing to do with what I do now. I just did the college thing because it was like the thing to do and I actually started — I was teaching part time, I was teaching martial arts part time and I actually did that from when I was about 13, 14 years old, I uh I came home from school from high school kind of took my karate uniform on, got the (boss?) into town and my kind of evenings was spent helping out in classes to start out with, holding pads to taking small groups of kids to one side and teaching them and you know, before I started teaching 4 classes and then I would stay for 3 or 4 classes I’d help out and train in the last class. And when I was 18, you know after I finished working at McDonald’s, I actually decided to teach martial arts full time and, and that’s what I did after McDonald’s and, and that’s what I was doing up until about 2 and a half years ago I was teaching martial arts full time.

Paul: Okay, cool! That sounds great! So I mean, going straight into it, I mean how would you personally define goals, I mean everyone, every guy they have a dream, or they have something that they want. It could be something materialistic, like they want, let say a Lamborghini or it could be something that people want to run their own business and travel but how does it uhm how do you define a goal? So when does it actually become like a real attainable goal rather than just kind of a pipe dream.

Ryan: Well, yeah. Yeah that’s the thing as well, When does it become something that’s real and something that’s attainable and for me, I think it’s when you put a deadline on it and map out a clear plan of action, I call it a wall climb, how you’re actually gonna attain that goal. Now when I do my goal setting I don’t just do like the, the having goals if you wanna call them that like to have a Lamborghini,or have a Ferrari, a big house or a million pound in the bank. Whatever it is, I always break it into 3 categories which is “Having, Being, Doing” So I always list the 5 things I want to have, the 5 things I want to become, and the 5 things that I want to do, and when I set my goals like that I always break them down into time lines, I break them down into monthly, weekly and daily tasks for the quarter of wherever year I’m on, so for the fourth — first quarter of this year, and by the way this is the very first time that I’ve ever done this was this year. Before, I always used to write goals down so I always knew that writing those down would make them more realistic and it brings it from your mind or you know it brings something that is invincible,to something that is tangible as soon as you write it down, I write some letter that helps you achieve your goals. But this, this year was actually the first year, I’ve actually broken everything down into like a plan of action-

Paul: So you almost like systemize it and turn your goals into almost like a business plan?

Ryan: Yeah, exactly because we don’t do that, you know how easy it is to get caught up in day to day living and, and when you’re not on purpose, you know I do a lot of it personally myself and I believe, certain–in certain aspects of the law of attraction, like The Secret is really popular, it talks about vibrating and you know attracting what you want into your life and I think The Secret is a good uh movie to watch or a book to read to start off with.

Paul: It’s a great start, it’s important, I mean someone that hasn’t read self-improvement books, The Secret, it’s a good start, it’s improtant.

Ryan: Yeah, yeah it’s like a good entrance, a good entry into it. The thing is quite surface level, I think it’s a good entry in it and you know I think just by writing them down and getting it down to like maybe a six-month goal then what you have to do for the quarter to achieve that and then to achieve that quarter goal, what you have to do by the end of like what you have to do each month and to achieve the monthly goal what you have to do, what activities and tasks need to be completed each week to achieve the monthly goal to keep you on target and then when you know what your weekly goals are, what you have to achieve, then you can break it down into daily activities that you know you need to do x, y and z by — by the first day then this is the second day, then this is the next day and I think that’s what makes the difference between someone that’s really on purpose and vibrates in the world at a certain frequency that would attract the same things in life and it just goes then more on it. You know, not just writing down your goals and thinking at the start of the year, I wanna do this, I wanna do that and then not looking at your goals ever again, I think just, you know, after you write them down, actually first start takes some action towards it’s attainment, like do something like uhm — if you wanted a new car for example, call up straight away and book a test drive in the car and that’s what I did as one of my goals this quarter and then just break it down into monthly, weekly and daily tasks that you can look at every single day and– and work on those actions to achieve your goals in that way becomes measureable and you can see where you are at every single day and your mind’s focused on that. And that’s the kind of vibration (crosstalk)

Paul: I — I think that;s an amazing advice, I mean a lot of people want something but they just say that they want it and that’s it. But I mean if you’ve gone to the kind of uhm work to set out a daily task of how you are going to achieve them? I mean, it must take a lot of work to like do that in the first place. Is it?

Ryan: Yeah, it took me about three to four days to get it, to get it all planned out but at the same time it’s fun as well and you start getting creative. So like you know the goals for the first quarter for me were to put down—it was to to pay back 2 1/2 grand of bank debt that I’ve got and it was to get a new car and you know for what I actually was doing at that time I wouldn’t have the money to do that so I kind of brainstorm the different things that I could have, the different resources that I’ve got, the different opportunities that I could create or kind of take advantage of the — bring that money in that I needed as quick as possible and you will be really surprised like I was, like there’ll be certain things that just come your way or set-up all the deals that you make and the — that will help you achieve if you’re on purpose and you know the amount that you need, the time that you set, why you want to, when you want to achieve that for and as soon as you start writing it down and making that monthly, weekly and daily plan you would be surprise how great you can be and where you can find way where you get the money from and the value that you can add to, you know, achieve that.

Paul: So the overall goal, is that kind of like a long term goal? And then do you create almost smaller attainable goals to reach that long term goals. To say that you wanted to set-up your online business that could be like the overall goal that you wanted to achieve but then you create smaller goals of what you need to achieve to be able to get that, is that how you’ve done it?

Ryan: Exactly, I think it’s important to have both just like you said, I think it’s important to have a long term goal because having a big long term goal for me any way is what keeps you motivated, and keeps you excited to do the date, you know the daily grind, the things that sometimes that you don’t want to do but you have to do in order to achieve it but then you know, after you have that big long term goal, like for me 2 of the big long term goals that I have, I don’t know how I’m actually gonna achieve it ’coz I haven’t planned it out. These are long-term goals. In the future is to have a Ferrari 458 Italia which is gonna be my next car and to have an eight figure online business. Now I don’t know how I’m actually gonna achieve that but breaking everything down into smaller bite size chunks like you just said, you know helps you to go step by step. You know if you just do that, if you just go step by step and take it one step at a time, you know you’ll look back and in a few years time and you’ll be at that level where you’ve achieved your long term goals

Paul: And also, it keeps you motivated, it rewards you, doesn’t it? Because I mean, like you say one of your goals is to create an eight figure business, for you to be able to do that, it might take, might take a year, might take five years. So that it took five years along that path it could be quite sort of disheartening when you don’t achieve it. So I think as well when you create the smaller goals it could be to (end?) six figures and then you take that off and you kinda reward yourself for the journey for the long term goal. Is that how you see it as well?

Ryan: Exactly, but when you do break it down to smaller achieving goals it makes it more realistic, you know, so some people there when they see, they set a long term goal, a lot of people if I said one of my goals is to have an eight figure online business, I know, some of my friends, that I hang out with will say “Oh that’s brilliant, yeah fantastic how are you gonna do that?” And then they believe that I could do it and they will really encourage you and it can inspire them, like they’ll say, one of my other friend is just starting to invest in property and his goal, he realized Lamborghini’s and his thing’s the Lamborghini’s and mine’s the Ferrari, it’s gonna be a (inaudible) goal. And all the people that I say that to would say if I said one of my goals is to get aLamborghini they would say “Oh God I would never be able to do that” and they kind of shy away from it and it depend on what type of person you are, an inspired person or an uninspired person you know by having the big goal and not the small ones it could scare you into thinking that you know it’s too far away, or it’s unachievable and you won’t take any actions so if you’re one of those people that would think you know well maybe I’m never gonna get a Lamborghini or a Ferrari or I could probably get an Audi or a BMW or something that’s a lot smaller, more attainable you know, when you break it down into those bite sized chunks it could motivate people to take action just as much as the big goals could motivate other people too.

Paul: Yeah I mean that something that I was gonna touch on I mean because a lot of people are not that interested, a lot of people are not that driven, especially guys, they just, they’re happy– they’re not happy but they’re happy with the kind of 9 to 5 doing what they believe they should be doing to make the money and kind of just seeing life through. So if someone is not that driven, I mean what would you kinda suggest to them, would you suggest what you’ve just said, or is there anything anymore advice that you could give to someone who isn’t driven when it comes to creating goals

Ryan: I think two things: number 1 is if you lack that driven– just understand that it’s not a bad thing and it’s not a good thing it is just what it is like for some people it could be getting to five grand a month as an income or work 9-5 and just live the weekends you know, if that’s what, if that’s what they enjoy, and that’s what their aspirations are and they achieve that then you know, that’s successful it’s not that their not successful because they don’t have a flashy car or loads of money because success is different for different people so I think the first thing is if someone isn’t very inspired or doesn’t wanna have you know, certain things in life or achieve certain result, it’s not a bad thing you know and it’s cool, it’s cool, it’s fine, there’s no problem with that. The second thing is for the people that maybe do want to have the big goals or do something with their life for, you know upgrade their lifestyle, take their business to the next level or get out of the rut they’re stuck in and really make something of themselves. The people that are in that kind of group you if you like but maybe don’t know how they’re gonna do it. I think the biggest thing is belief and for me to get belief in myself has two thing that I do: one thing is I follow, you know people that’ve already done what I’ve got coz that’s one of the easiest ways to achieve your goal is to model someone else, find out what they’re doing and do it for yourself coz that— like, one person is all– is gonna put you on a better path for you to get yours so I follow people that are at the level of business, level of income or the lifestyle that I want and I know that if one person has done it in the whole world ever, if one person could do it, then there’s no reason why I can’t. I think if you’re an average person, if you’ve got two arms, two legs, you know average intelligence, you know, there’s nothing that you can’t do that you know someone else’s already gone and done so just understand that it is possible and you can literally have all or be or do anything in the world as long as you’re willing to take responsibility to put the time and the effort in. That’s one thing, you know to kind of model someone else who has already got what you want, coz if someone else’s already got it, there’s no reason in the world if you don’t follow the steps that they took and make the sacrifices they made that you won’t be able to do it. And the second thing, that’s important is to keep on purpose every single day, so we used this with the martial arts school like with the kids, we say “If you won’t clean teeth, how many– we have clean teeth if you brush your teeth once a month or once a week” and they would all say “No” and “How about if you brush your teeth once year?” then they would say “No, you will have yellow teeth —

Paul: Yeah

Ryan: (crosstalk) brush your teeth once a year, you have to do it every day. Most people clean their teeth twice a day. I think it is the same with your attitude and your mindset and your outlook. So I– I really make a big effort to do personal development and get my mindset right every single day coz I know it’s the small daily achievements that gonna mount up to mount up to mount up to make the weekly, the monthly, the yearly the achievements that you’re gonna have to kind of create in your life to achieve your goals. That’s, that’s two things: yeah number one is to get a mentor or someone, like I, I just follow people on Instagram and or on Facebook, and I read the post they make, I follow the pictures they post just to observe someone that has already achieved what I want to achieve just reminds me that if he can do it, I can do it too and really get that you know, deep-rooted belief and the second thing is just to make sure you work on yourself every single day, if it’s to motivate yourself or just to get on the right head space or the right frame of mind daily and that’s gonna help create the habits that you need to be able to create the long term changes and you know the long term goals that you want to achieve in your life.

Paul: So, what is your average day, what is the average day of Ryan Phillips?

Ryan: The average day for me? At the minute well, it’s a—my alarm goes up at 6 o’clock —

Paul: Is this something that you’ve recently started doing or have you always been an early riser?

Ryan: No, I’m a night owl like, last year, I’d be going to bed at 2 or 3 in the morning, not because I was up kind of working like a madman, or that I was just working, it’s just that’s the time when I felt tired but then, clubbing, working online full time for about a year now, I kinda get up at 10 or 11 and then go for food with my friends and then come back and it’d kinda be 1 – 2 o’clock before I’d start working that’s why I kind of work late. And I actually saw our picture on Facebook of someone that said and this is in between Christmas and New Year and the pciture was one of those quotes and it said something about “You know, if you want, if you didn’t achieve what you wanted to in 2014 don’t think that you’re gonna achieve that in 2015 unless you change the habits that you had in 2014” like, keep the same habit, if you don’t change your habits, you’re not gonna change your situation and that really resonated with me, so yeah it has only been recently. So now, from January, I think the 3rd or 4th of January I started. I get up at 6 0’clock in the morning and I have sunshine by twister, that song is my (crosstalk) it’s like a really chill song —

Paul: When it snows, especially in the UK, if it’s snowin’ or rainin’, sunshine by twister comes up–

Ryan: Yeah, the first few words in the song is “Lets get them dollars, lets get this money” and then it like it kicks in and you just (inaudible) I get up at 6. I always prepare the things that I need for the day the night before so my gym clothes are already laid out you know on the floor so literally, I get up (chuck?) my gym clothes on, clean my teeth and just head out the door so I get to the gym 6:30. I have a protein shake in the morning, a little tip, if you have 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking, if it’s eggs, sausages or bacon or protein shake, it really helps you stay trim, it really helps with fat loss.

Paul: Yeah, I read that in (For–?) Body is that correct? (crosstalk)

Ryan: Yeah, yeah it says it is one of the main things, you know, if you do lots of diet, still you’re working out really hard and you don’t see any results, that’s one thing that can change it around. So I was up for protein shake for breakfast, head out the door, get to the gym for 6:30, my gym routine I do is on a Monday, I do running and weights and stretching. On a Tuesday, I do swimming, sauna and steam room. On a Wednesday, I do two primal fitness classes and then stretch. Thursday, I do yoga and then stretch. Friday, I do running, weights and stretching.

Paul: There’s a lot stretching in there, I mean obviously being a—doing martial arts and break dancing, I mean, aren’t there something that I want to do more of so I want to come off flexible, do more stretching coz I can only just basically touch the middle of my shins. I can’t– so my hamstrings are very, very flexible. I mean is that, is that something you focus on? Being flexible and stretching a lot.

Ryan: Yeah, definitely and, and to be honest it’ nothing to do with martial arts or dancing. It’s just cuz I know so many people that as they get older, the mobility and how they move their body, it really affects you as you get older. I see loads of people on the gym they’re in great shape and they just work on 2 areas- like 2 of the 5 areas of fitness, so they’ll just work on cardio and weights, and that’s all they do and you know, they might get big muscles but they’ll seriously, seriously damaging the body in regards to as they get older–they’re not — you have to work on cardio, weights, balance, core and flexibility. They’re the 5 areas of fitness and even most of the personal trainers, they don’t work on clients on this like people neglect core, they neglect flexibility and they neglect balance. Now I get the core and the balace training from the martial arts and dancing that I do, so I make sure I stretch every single day and yes it, it’s just really for us as I get older. I want my body in good shape.

Paul: Yeah I find it helps with posture and productivity as well. I mean if I stretch in the mornings, I’ll then go and sit, stand, stand at the desk and my posture is best—where as if I just get out and won’t stretch and I’ll just start work, I start slouching, I feel, I feel tired and yeah, it’s not a nice feeling.

Ryan: Yeah, definitely I think that’s one of the big things as well, as in regards to developing good positive habits that are gonna help achieve your goals or achieve more. Getting up in the morning before most of the people get up, and go to the gym or working out. You know by the time I, I get back, it’s like it’s probably 8 0’clock by the time I get back you know, showered probably between 8 and 8:30 so I’m ready to you know, get to work at home at 9. But I think and even if I don’t achieve like the 8 tasks I need to achieve that day, in the business I mean, I can still look back on the day and it’s a success coz I’ve started the day as a success, by getting out of the bed, you know, going to the gym, having a good work out and getting my body right, getting my mindset right and then all of that is before I even sit down and start work, so the day is already a success, I can just build on that I think that’s a really important part and another thing as well, after I do the run or whatever kind of physical activity I do before I stretch, I always cool down after it by watching– I’ve got a mind movie that’s on my phone, it’s on my iphone. It’s kind of like, a mind movies is like a vision board on steroids now if no one’s heard of a vision board before or what a vision board is, is you basically cut out like all of the house that you want or the family that you want, the partner that you want, the car that you want, the watch, the holiday, you know the things that you want to attract in to your life, cut out those pictures, put on to a board and look at that every single day. So I kind of heard about this thing called the mind movie, it takes it a step further, it’s a software you can — I think it is $97 you can buy on the internet if you search mind movie or mind movies on Google and it allows you to source pictures and put the pictures together into like a presentation it’s like a movie and you could put your own song on there and I always look at that after I do the run. So after I do all the weights, after I do the most intense part of my training, when I’m cooling down, I have my headphones in, I have Titanium is the song. I’ve got another one that has Diamonds by Rihanna and that song’s kinda pumping in my ears and I’m looking at this movie, it’s got the apartment that I want, the car that I want, the money that I want, the business that I want, the partner that I want, the body that I want, the things I wanna go and do on my bucketlist and it’s a really powerful thing that gets me pumped up in the morning —

Paul: Is that the only kind of visualization that you do every morning, I mean obviously, it’s very effective, I think I saw the video actually as well, did you share on your Facebook?

Ryan: Yeah, yeah, it was on Facebook —

Paul: I mean it looks cool and obviously, vision boardis what they mention on The Secret isn’t it?

Ryan: Yes, yeah

Paul: Yeah, I mean I saw the movie in it, it does look very powerful, probably it would be very effective. Is that the kid of visualization that you do every morning? Do you do that just once a day? Or do you do more visualization?

Ryan: I watch it every single night before I go to bed as well, and talking about visualization, it’s like the car that I just got is just a new BMW 4 series

Paul: Yeah, you picked that up that last week. Didn’t you? Very nice.

Ryan: Yeah, it’s actually, I picked it up and they got the wrong alloys and the wrong multimedia system. So I’ve got it now but I’m actually replacing it in two weeks for the one with the right alloys and (crosstalk) professional medias

Paul: Yes, did you have your CD ready with twister on that CD (crosstalk)

Ryan: Oh no —

Paul: With Twister and Rihanna (crosstalk)

Ryan: (Laughs) development in the car I’m listening to George Zalucki (Inaudible) personal development I would recommend starting with Tony Robins then if you wanna really get deep and real and not just get pumped up and motivated and then lose your motivation in 2 or 3 weeks time you really wanna get deep and actually make changes and understand what’s gonna make your life better, George Zalucki is the number one — George Zalucki and Peter Sage they’re the only 2 people that I listen to —

Paul: I’ll link to them as well. I’ll link to them below the blog post.

Ryan: Yeah, definitely George Zalucki and Peter Sage. I’ll message you the program I recommend from George Zalucki and Peter Sage, his stuff is just—he’s absolutely incredible, like he’s such a, he’s from Leicester, he’s just down the road for me. My flatmate Rob Spencer, is really good friends with them and Peter Sage is just on a whole new level in regards to—He was like the youngest (?) trainer he’s got like a business that put satellite into space (inaudible) like 2 Billion already like from funding—he’s just on a whole new level, so inspiring. His depth of insight and knowledge into the real working that’s gonna make you change things in your life and think things in a different ways and move forward. He is the number one person I recommend.

Paul: So you normally get home about 9 o’clock, did you say about half eight you’re normally at your desk by about half eight, is that when you start work

Ryan: Yeah, about 9 o’clock, I’d say. I would have got up early, gone to the gym, watch my mind movie, got home, journal, I always journal when I get home from the gym before I have a shower.

Paul: Have you read “The Miracle Morning”?

Ryan: I haven’t, no.

Paul: I haven’t because what you’re saying is exactly the same as– I’ve read this the other week and I’ve recently started trying it as well, it is similar to, similar to you I used to hate getting up in the mornings but the “Miracle Morning” I can’t remember who it’s by but I read it the other week, and basically it’s broken down in to what they call “SAVERS”. So “S” is for silence so same as you, you get up before everyone else, so you’d set your alarm clock probably an hour before the rest of the household get up —

Ryan: Yeah

Paul: — now before you normally get up so I try and set it up before 6. So “S” is for silence so you do 10 minutes for Silence, it could be meditation, I was doing the Alexander technique. I’m not sure if you’re —

Ryan: I have not heard of that.

Paul: Yes so, it’s kind of just, I lay there and elevate my neck, silent for 10 minutes and then the “A” is affirmations, so you do about 10 minutes of affirmations, “V” is visualization and then you do exercise so that could be anything from a gym session to just 10 minutes of jogging on the spot it is just to kind of raise your blood pressure, and then “R” is for reading and then “S” is for “Scribing” scribing is another word for writing. So what you’re saying is exactly the kind of same routine this guy teaches. So yeah you just start writing when you get back.

Ryan: Yeah, I would just journal — I say it again, the only reason I started journaling is cuz I heard a lot of successful people recommend it so that’s why I started doing it and now, I really enjoy it and I don’t know if this is the actual benefit you’re meant to get from it but for me it just clears my head and it’s not — I’m thinking after I write it down in the journal and —

Paul: When you say journal and just explain it, is that just kind of just typing your faults?

Ryan: I just write about what happened the day before and what’s coming up in the week, so I write how close I am to my goals, if anything annoyed me that day, anything is on my mind, anything I’m thinking about doing, anything exciting that’s coming up, any magic moments that I’ve had the day before, I write them down and just get whatever’s in my head out on the piece of paper I just write, sometimes it’s really short, sometimes it’s really long and yeah, I just journal everyday and that gets me to start work at 9 o’clock. At 9 0’clock after I’ve shower and stuff and then work is hard to explain, coz as you know with an online business, work could be one day I could be writing (inaudible), I could be making videos, another day I could have a coaching course and another day I could be making a webinar, handling support. I just do the day to day tasks that are gonna maintain and grow my online business and there’s not really a cut-off time really not because I’m so bent on achieving my end goal that I just work every single day, it’s just that, I just love doing it I just love growing my business. So I often just work until 10, 11, 12 and I don’t even see it as work, it’s just fun to do for me it’s just like chilling out and relaxing, like my flatmate, who I live with, Rob Spencer, he’s got a franchise of a martial arts school in Leicester so he has three instructors that have — the school’s called the Martial Arts Mastery, they have martial arts mastery schools, and they teach for him, and he teaches a couple of nights a week and he’s– coz the majority of the work he does is in the evening, so he’s always here in the day and we’ll just be working we’ve got like a huge, huge, like 8-man desk in our living room, he has one side– we just get on with our stuff, you know, if we wanna go for food, we go for food, if we wanna go out and shop, we go out and shop, if we wanna meet our friends– nice and relax as long as we complete our tax we got to do, we’re all good. And, and that’s about it I, just get up and do my hour of power in the morning and make sure I’m at the desk. We call it the ICR, the internet combat room and we get, we got our work done. I go train, I go teach, sometimes I have practice like dance practice, sometimes I go out, I’ll go on a date or go out for food, I go to the cinema, I went to the cinema last night to watch Kingsmen, which is a really good film. It’s cool and when I come back, answer some support ticket, starting to piece together and what I’m doing this week for the new customers that I’ve just got launched and yeah, I just, I just get to work, I just have fun building the business.

Paul: Cool, so I mean do you have like To Do lists? Or do you just kind of do day to day task like what you’re saying?

Ryan: I do what is called Plan Tomorrow Today, so the end of each evening, before I cut-off from work and chill out time or if it’s just before I go to bed, I’ll always plan tomorrow today. So I write down all the tasks that need to be completed and then I’ll go through those tasks and I’ll give them an A, B, or C. That I know the A task or the A tasks on that sheet of paper have to be completed the next day no matter what and if I complete one of the A tasks then none of the B or none of the C tasks that day was a success business wise because that’s the main thing that needs to be completed. It just means that when I come back from the gym the next day, I could just sit down at the desk and I don’t have to think about anything I know this is what I’ve gotta get done today. like this is my only focus to get done. So yeah, that’s all I do, I plan tomorrow today and that comes from my wall climb. So it comes from exactly what I’m doing like I said at the start I do, I do it each quarter. So I know what I have to do each month for the quarter to achieve what I want to get and then I break it down to weekly and then the daily thing, when I break it down is the plan tomorrow today that I do each evening.

Paul: Okay, awesome! I mean, one of the issues that people would probably say if they’re listening to this time, you know. So they might say they want to learn a language, they might want to learn an instrument but they don’t have the timeframe what can you kind of suggest to combat that?

Ryan: I would say, if you wanna do bad enough you would find the time so let’s be honest with each other, you know, if, if finding time is an excuse, and don’t sugar coat it and don’t see as anything else, it’s an excuse not to do what you said you gonna do uhm now if you want, if you do want it bad enough and you do have things like family or the commitments, then you can make more time like for me, I’m have an excuse last year about working out, I go to, I do martial arts and breaking but I don’t always wanna go to the gym and do the power stuff and then I’ve got no time for gym and when I do the gym on the day, and do all this stuff so, you can make more time, you can get up earlier, you can get up at 5, you can get up at 6, or you can get up at 7, you can not go to parties on the weekend, you could not go out, you know, if you really dedicate to do something, then you have to first understand, there’s gonna be sacrifices and to include that so not — maybe you wanna build a business or you wanna do x, y and z or learn a language and then there’s a party that comes up at the weekend or your friends are going out and that becomes a challenge like understand at the start of the journey, you have to include all of these things, you know what sacrifices are, and you know that moving forward, that when these kind of things come into play, I know that I’m gonna stay on track on my goal and not get pulled off target by all these things that are gonna distract me. So I say, in regards to creating more time, I would just say you can get up earlier, it’s an easy one. Now if you wanna build a business or learn a language, and you get up at 7 o’clock every day, get up at 6 and spend that time learning language and go to bed an hour later, don’t go out on weekends, you know, if I’m honest, these are the sacrifices that you have to make if you want to achieve what you can achieve.

Paul: Definitely! If there’s a goal that you want to achieve? Then you know you should constantly always be on your mind or I remember when I was wanting to launch an online business, It was always on my mind, you know if there’s something that I wanted to do, so I’d always find time to do it, so whatever it was, I was working, wherever it was then, on my lunch break or if I had like a quiet time at work or whenever I am thinking of it because it is like an important goal for me to achieve, I always try to make time for it, so yeah, I agree with you, I don’t think time is an excuse —

Ryan: Exactly

Paul: But, I mean as well, it’s all about creating it, to become a habit, what I think as well, I want to learn an instrument. This is something that I’ve been doing, if I wanted to learn—

Ryan: Wh– Why? What instrument do you want to learn?

Paul: I think probably, I used to — I used to know a little bit of piano, I’d probably go back to maybe that, it’s the same with language, I want to learn some languages —

Ryan: Cool.

Paul: Uhm and what I worked out, and I mean there are loads of (studies?) into as well. Coz if you could dedicate 10 minutes a day, just for the beginning, I don’t know the specific time, I don’t know (inaudible) before but I think maybe after 30 days, that then becomes more like a routine. So if I go a day without learning the language and spending the 10 minutes that I’ve done every single day for the last 30 days, it kinda becomes a bit, it’s weird that you haven’t done that 10 minutes, does it make sense?

Ryan: Yes.

Paul: So have you heard of that before? That kind of–that process of just doing something for 10 minutes a day and it becoming a habit? You know.

Ryan: Yeah, yeah. That was with me, like I said this year is when I started getting up early and going to the gym. Like, I did the first week and then I thought, coz the gym, I go to L.A. Fitness in Loughborough and the gym’s not open on a Saturday or Sunday until 8. So, you know, I don’t have to get up at 6, to be there for 6:30 so I thought I’m gonna have a lie-in, you know the weekends there, I’m gonna have a lie-in, still go to the gym in the morning but like have an extra hour, or so, and so I set my alarm for 7:30 to get to the gym for 8 and I was up wide awake I literally fight and it’s still 6. Like and it’s exactly the same on Monday and it’s ‘cuz it’s starting to build the habit, you’ve been training yourself to make that the norm. (Inaudible?) from.

Paul: Yeah and I mean also another thing that I’ve been focusing on as well is creating like deadlines. So the — the way I talk about it is you know if an actor wants to get in shape for a role or an actress. They have let’s say, 8 weeks to get in the shape that they need to be to play this role, so the example is Hugh Jackman in Wolverine —

Ryan: Yeah.

Paul: Uhm now I always say that, he will get in that shape, that there’s no way he wouldn’t get in that shape because if he doesn’t, he’s probably not gonna get the role or they’ll find someone else or they’ll just won’t pay him the million dollars that he’s gonna get for the role. So given that 8 weeks, he gets to plan, he has to stick to it, he will not cheat, he will not do anything that kind of take some away from that goal of getting that body that he needs.

Ryan: Yeah

Paul: So, it’s kind of them replicating that every day. So I like to say if I want to let’s say learn Spanish, what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna say “ I need to be able to get to this level of,of of speaking Spanish within 8 weeks, if I don’t I’ll give 2,000 GBP to a charity that I hate. You know, something like that or I will burn my favorite suit which you know, I paid a lot of money for or I — I would do something that I really don’t want to do. So then within that 8 weeks, I always dance, say or I have to do this otherwise I’m gonna have to do this. I recently did that with getting in shape, by—I launched something on the blog and yeah, I — I didn’t wanna give the money away, I didn’t wanted to lose the challenge so it kind of got me determined to get in shape. Yes, I think — is that something that you’ve maybe done before or

Ryan: Yeah, I think that the accountability is really important if — you can it take to another level and instead of just having accountabilty for yourself like what some people do, is you can make it public. Say like, if you wanna lose weight faster all over Facebook so that all of your friends are gonna see you saying “ I’m starting my healthier routine or starting a diet on Monday, this is what I’m gonna do, this is how much I’m gonna lose by this date and I want you to hold me accountable and help me out like if you put that on Facebook, you’ll feel like such a fool for giving up because you thought you would think “Oh shit, I’ve already put this on Facebook. What are my friends gonna think, they’re gonna think I’m a loser” or whatever like if you can put that accountability out there then it’s gonna be, it’s gonna help. Or for me, for the product launch that I did, as soon as we decide what part are we gonna launch, we put a date on the launch date, email all the JB partners to let them know we’re launching on this day, come in and request your links, we put them in the market place and in the calendars so that every person knows that this is the date that we’re gonna launch (Crosstalk).

Paul: That was what I was about to mention, I mean that is, that is kind of the same principle. I remember when I was a scholar at college, you get given homework, you get given course work, you know, and I remember getting set like a course work task which would need to be completed 6 weeks later. So ok, I’ve got 6 weeks to get it done and then you always find yourself like few days leading up to that deadline, just working on that task to get it done.

Ryan: … You have 5 weeks and 28 days.

Paul: Yeah and it’s probably you’ve just launched a digital product, it is the same when I’ve launched a product. So I’ve been a part of product launches, and how ever planned it always seems at the last, 48 hours is always where you’re getting your most work done. Focus, you have to get it, you have to get it done. There’s no way that you cannot get it done. So yeah, I think if someone could maybe create that kind of accountability or create that deadline that will help them achieve that goals as well.

Ryan: Definitely.

Paul: Is there any kind of tools that you used for goal setting. There’s loads of apps, and loads of soft — website. Is there anything that you used in particular?

Ryan: Uhm 2 things: Number 1 is I use Tim Ferriss’ 4 hour week dream line worksheet.

Paul: Okay, okay.

Ryan: and that’s what I did at the start of this year, because what it does, it is just an excel sheet that you can download for free and it, it does 2 things. On the first sheet, it allows you, it makes you list up to five having, being and doing goals and you write down the cost of each whether it’s a monthly cost or a one-time fee so then you know what your target monthly income needs to be. So for example, if you want a Lamborghini you might have to have a target monthly income of– like that might cost you $4000 a month or 4000 GBP a month or whatever, so it just lets you write down your having, being, doing goals and put a cost next to each one so you can figure out your target monthly income and then on the second sheet, it makes you write down your actual monthly income so that and it tells you the difference. So you’ll need to know how much more money you need to make per month or like a lump sum to achieve that, that dream line and what (inaudible) your dreamline and why I’ve taken on this. A dream line’s a goal with a timeline so you can have a six -month or a twelve -month one. And that’s the process that I follow when I’m goal-setting and now I find it’s the best one that I’ve ever used. So I use the dream line worksheets from Tim Ferriss’ 4 hour week blog and the other thing is just pen and paper. Like I said, I always plan tomorrow today and I use a lot of pen and paper because I’m in front of the computer a lot so I try to get away from there and write that with my hand

Paul: Yeah I find that as well, I mean I– notepads are (comforting?). When you work online, you work on a computer, like I just pull up word and start coming up of ideas or writing a to-do list, I always find just getting like a paper and pen, that’s when I come up with the best ideas.

Ryan: Yeah, I don’t use any fancy apps. Literally it’s just the excel worksheet from the excel dream line sheet I have on my computer, I print off as well so I have like a physical copy and then just uhm just pen and paper. I’m looking for my iPhone now and I don’t think that I have any apps on here that help with goal setting or anything and, no, nothing at all.

Paul: Okay, cool. I mean I’ll have to check out that, I mean that dream line, I’ve read that three times now and I haven’t used that and so I’ll have to head over there and print that off and I’m also linked to that, again — (crosstalk)

Ryan: It helped me so much like I highly recommend it. It helped me so much in regards to getting everything planned but I think when you’ve got that, if you do that and fill it out. It tells you to do three steps. When you set the six months dream line, it gives you three steps to take that you have to write down and the first step is what you could do, you have to write the things you can do now, things to do tomorrow, things to do the day after. So for me, I’m just looking at my one for the first quarter this year. So I set steps now, schedule a test drive, create wall plan and tomorrow continue creating wall plan, take test drive. Day after, finish wall plan. I think without the wall plan part, you’ll struggle. So once you’ve set the dream line, set the goals, you know what you want, know how much money you gonna need to make, or what your monthly income it’s gonna need to be. Make a monthly, weekly and daily breakdown of exactly what you need to do to achieve that, and that’s the part that’s gonna get you to achieve your goals. Not just writing them down or knowing them. You know, that’s not gonna help, it, it’s gonna make you feel really good but it’s not gonna help you take the action. It’s the actual planning of the monthly, weekly, and daily tasks and activities and actually doing them is actually gonna get you achieve the goal.

Paul: I mean it’s gonna be quite strange for people to hear that, you know because, I mean a lot of people in the world just have dreams and they want to attain their dreams. A lot of people won’t think of breaking it down as much as you do. But I believe as well. I’m on your side here though. I believe that that is definitelythe way of doing that. You can say you want to start your own business but how are you gonna attain them steps to start your own business. You know, uhm you can say you that you want an Audi R8 but it’s not just gonna happen overnight and especially with no planning. But is there any kind of anything that you can suggest if someone’s want kind of quick results and let’s say someone wants to learn Italian within 4 weeks, is there like a specific thing that they could do to gain them, to gain quick results?

Ryan: Two things, build momentum and get a mentor. So let’s say it’s to learn Italian, first thing to do is build momentum, so as soon as you set the goal to learn Italian, get the phonebook out or have a look on the internet and schedule a time to go and meet someone that’s gonna teach you that or order the audio program that you’re gonna follow at home that’s gonna help you do it. The first task whenever you set a goal should be no longer than 5 minutes to actually accomplish because it starts to build momentum. So like, if it’s is to get an R8 like you said it would be, the first thing would be to look on the internet where you can, the closest place where you can test drive an R8 and book in that test drive and if you could do it the day after, that’s great, that’s the second thing to do, is to take the test drive, so you’re gonna ask them all the questions you wanna ask them, get the exact price, get a booklet so you can have a look through it when you get home and you know, small steps create the momentum that you need and the motivation to do it. Then the other thing would be to have a mentor ‘cuz someone who’s been there and done that and got the tshirt is gonna save you a hell of a lot of time to do it. (Inaudible) he says the goal-setting formula you should follow is number 1, know what you want, then have a plan, have a success coach, take insistent action, review your progress, renew your goals. Now you can do that without having a success coach, you could just first know what you want then have a plan, how you’re gonna do it, start taking action, review your progress, and renew your goals but what the success coach or the mentor does in there is helps you achieve your goals faster and with less you know, blood, sweat and tears than if you do it yourself, I say less sweat and tears ‘cuz anything that is worth having, you have to sacrifice and go through all the hard times and shit to actually achieve it, you know but if you have a success coach or mentor that’s already done it then you’re just gonna get there a lot faster, it’s gonna cost you a lot less money and it’s gonna be a much smoother process.

Paul: Yeah, I think having a mentor is key as well definitely. Coz I mean sometimes you’re gonna have questions that you want answered and to be able to get someone to answer them who’s already achieved what you want to achieve is definitely a massive benefit. Yeah, definitely. Alright Ryan I mean we’ve covered a lot, I mean you’ve gone through, I’m sure this topic as well, we could probably carry on for the next couple of hours I mean there’s so much depth that we can go into. But to sum up really, really quickly. For someone here that say they want to achieve that goal, 3 steps that they need to do? Just walk us through them really quickly.

Ryan: Number 1 is write the goals down or if it’s 3 steps I would say fill out the dream line sheet because that includes finding out exactly what you want, writing it down, find out the target monthly income that you need to achieve that goal and taking the first 3 steps. That’s complete in the dream line sheets. That’s why I’m saying number 1 would be is to fill out that sheets. Number 2, would be get a mentor, so let’s say goal is to get a car, you can’t really have a mentor for getting the car but if your goal is to get a Ferrari and the Ferrari is a 10,000 GBP deposit and 2800 GBP a month excluding VAT which is the one I’m gonna get (inaudible). Like if you need, you know you need to make that much money and maybe you have a job or you can’t do anything from there, you need to get a mentor that’s gonna help you add more value or be able to get a promotion on your job or be able to start a separate business where you can get money—that someone has done it and has been in your position. So get a mentor and speed up your process. It’s safe to do that. And then the third thing, is just to develop the habits that you need to be able to achieve that. So if you’re goal is to learn Italian, and people can learn Italian in let’s say 12 months if they practice it every day, we have to develop the habit of practicing Italian every day. Once a week is not gonna get to you to reach that goal and that kind of timeline. I think for most people, especially for men, for guys, a lot of the goals are– there are more having goals and I think you have to go through that before you could start being a bit more spiritual or a bit less (crosstalk) we’re natural hunter-gatherers (crosstalk) to get a nice car, and create a business, it creates a lot of money, so we can look after our wife or our family or get the things that we want (inaudible) it’s all about achievement. So you know, I assume a lot of the guys, it would be to get a car or a lot of money, to grow business whatever those goals are if you filled out the dream line and if you’ve got a mentor, the habits that you need to create to achieve those type of things like the having goals, to achieve that you need to develop the habit of a successful person. So the habits of a successful person as what we’ve talked about are getting up earlier in the morning, get up at 6, do your workout, start journaling, create a mind movies, start educating yourself on what you need to do to achieve your goals and start listening to personal development everyday and work on yourself first and create that right mindset and make sure you include all the sacrifices so you know the successful person– yeah let’s go down, do you want to come down to poop tomorrow and you’ve not achieved the task that you need to you know, you need to get used to say no coz I’ve not done this and staying in and it’s gonna be you know 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years of sacrifices to achieve what you want and that’s just being completely honest, you know, I don;t wanna sugar coat it for anyone. You’re gonna have to sacrifice if you wanna achieve those goals like to get a nice car or get more money or starting that business and they’re the three things I would say would be to fill it, complete the dream line sheet, get a mentor and to start developing the habits of a successful person. Those are the three things that gonna help you achieve your goals.

Paul: Excellent Ryan, really appreciate your timeout. Where can people find you? You’ve got a blog?

Ryan: You can go to Ryan Phillips on Facebook, Ryan Phillips online on Instagram and they’re probably the best ways to contact me. I’ve got a blog that has to do with business and internet marketing but we’re rebranding that for a minute for anything in regards to achieving or goal-setting or maybe you are interested in an online business or anything like that or just have any questions just hit me up on Facebook or hit me up on Instagram or wherever you’ll find me on social media and I would always happy to help

Paul: Excellent! Thank you Ryan, we have to catch up very soon and maybe you could teach me some break dancing moves as well. Maybe I’ll show you some break dancing moves. Thanks very much for making the time out. Lots of knowledge that people can take.

Ryan: Cheers Bro

Paul: Appreciate that. Speak to you soon.

Ryan: Bye!

Paul: Bye!

Paul McGregor
I share my hard times to inspire your good times. Founder of MFM and soon to be published Author.
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