Discover More Ultimate Man Podcast

Create More Freedom With Corey Johnson

corey johnson

I first met Corey a few months back at an event I attended, it was his first public presentation. He gripped the attention of the audience with a story about a shoot out he witnessed, a moment in his life which reshaped his purpose.

Since then Corey has gone on to work as a Branding Expert and continues to live a life based around true freedom.

I got Corey on the show to explain the story, how he created freedom (and how you can too) alongside how to rebrand yourself personally.

Who is this episode for?

  • If you feel like you have no time in life and want more freedom
  • If you want to turn your passions into your job
  • If you take a victim mindset and want to turn negatives into postitives
  • If you want to personally ‘rebrand’ yourself

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Paul McGregor
I share my hard times to inspire your good times. Founder of MFM and soon to be published Author.
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